With over 29,000 homeless students attending schools in Arizona, Pappas Kids believes it is necessary to provide educational assistance that would increase their overall graduation rate. Homeless students are 40% more likely to …
The Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation has been privileged to serve homeless and economically disadvantaged students in the state of Arizona since 2005 by offering private school tuition assistance through …
Pappas Kids is doing what we can to prevent more families from falling under the poverty threshold by providing educational assistance to Arizona’s students in need. Statistics show that higher extracurricular activity participation is correlated with a positive …
Welcome to Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation
The mission of the Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation is a deeply committed effort to help low-income, homeless, and at-risk youth in Arizona schools succeed and grow in a positive educational environment. We partner with schools that serve disadvantaged youth and assist with their student’s academic, social, and family needs. By giving these students the opportunities they deserve and “eliminating the barriers” that childhood homelessness and poverty may create, we hope to change the course of their lives so they may become fully literate, productive members of our society.
Our Programs Serve
Our organization is dedicated to making a profound impact on the lives of disadvantaged youth in Arizona through two unique programs. We extend our support to Title I or Title I eligible schools in Arizona that are tax-exempt under section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code. Our assistance encompasses a wide range of initiatives including school classroom projects, literacy programs, supplies, uniforms, equipment, curriculum aids, and special programs. We also provide crucial support for extracurricular activities, offer small post-secondary education scholarships for program graduates, and equip students with the necessary technology as they embark on their college journeys.
Additionally, Pappas Kids ensures that families and students in Title I schools have access to Holiday gifts, Thanksgiving meals, and engaging after-school events. As a School Tuition Organization, we are committed to providing scholarships to children from economically disadvantaged families, enabling them to attend the private primary or secondary school of their choice. To date, we have awarded over 10,900 scholarships to underprivileged children, paving the way for brighter futures.

Funding Requests
We will provide program funding to Title I or Title I eligible schools in Arizona that qualify as exempt from tax under section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code.

Community Partners
Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation would like to thank our community partners.

Contact Us
Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation is to help low-income, homeless and at-risk youth in Arizona schools succeed

How Can You Help?
Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation is to help low-income, homeless and at-risk youth in Arizona schools succeed